
I’m a solitary druid of several years, though I still feel very new and inexperienced most of the time. I come from, like many, an evangelical Christian background, but from an early age I was fascinated by things my parents told me I shouldn’t want to understand — tarot, astrology, candles and incense, meditation and anything occult. What I didn't know I was looking for was ritual, mystery, myth and magic. In my early adulthood, I thought I found that in Catholicism and it was a much easier jump to make from where I started. Had I known anything about modern Paganism, I might have recognized that the things that attracted me to Catholicism were precisely those elements adopted from the older pagan traditions, and that what I needed was more fully realized in the various Pagan faiths. If I had known then what I know now, I’d probably have realized what I was doing when for my confirmation I bypassed all the historically verified modern saints and instead chose Brigid — yes that Brigid — as my patroness.

I’m still working out the details of my own personal path. In the years since I left Christianity for good, I've moved through eclectic Wicca, Trad Witchcraft, and joined Ár nDraíocht Féin and started their dedicant program. I've struggled with keeping myself on task and so here I am -  starting over - again. For the third time. A fresh new start, on a newly-re-revamped dedicant blog. I hope to shed light on my own journey by jotting down my thoughts here in a longer form than what's required (or allowed... brevity isn't my strong suit) for the DP documentation. Perhaps it will be useful to others as I go along, but even if it only helps me, that will be enough.

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